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وفقًا لمجلس تصنيف الأسقف الباردة (Cool Roof Rating Council)، تحتل شركة دافلين مرتبة ضمن أفضل 10 شركات في مؤشر الانعكاس الشمسي. تحقق من منتجات دافلين التي تم تصنيفها من قبل CRRC

موقع CRRC


Vincent Corbett Jr., IRCC Apprenticeship Roofing Instructor

"I have used various Davlin products for some thirty years. First as an applicator for Fidelity Roof in Oakland, and more recently as a roofing instructor for the Independent Roofing Contractors of Ca. Ca. Cap seal was the first ..."

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Jimmy Cosenza, Owner, Nicholas Roofing

"While working for my father in the roofing business, I learned what a good product Davlin Capseal was. At that time, we only used Capseal on the top of the parapet walls to prevent black tar from bleeding on the outside walls. That was over 40 years ago and now ..."

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Rick V. Custodio, All American Roofing

"I have been using Davlin products for the last 25 years and they make an excellent product. Recently I tried the 3800 and the 900 and it worked out beautifully, as I was doing a project for a good friend of mine. He was amazingly surprised at how well the product worked. Great stuff..."

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